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A somber week and reminders...

EEC Admin

This week has called for a lot of reflection and our hearts are with the families and children in Uvalde. 10 years ago, after the Sandy Hook tragedy, EEC parents and staff met immediately because the shock and awe of such a situation shook us all to the core. It struck me that such situations no longer illicit that response. We do our best at EEC to keep the outside world, the stress, the news, etc. outside. We want this to be a safe space - where kids can be kids. I want to take a moment to say thank you for trusting us with your children each day. I want to thank the teachers and staff for doing everything they can to keep your children healthy and safe.

I hope that everyone has a safe, healthy, and happy Memorial Day.

Just a couple of reminders! There are some changes below.

If your child is sick, keep them home. You cannot send in a sick and medicated child. If give your child medication in the morning, for any reason, you must let us know. We know there are SEVERAL other illnesses going around other than COVID-19. We have always had policies and regulations that say sick kids cannot come to school. These policies and regulations are still effective and always have been throughout COVID-19.

To that end we will be requiring the following:

  • All children who can test must be tested for COVID-19 prior to arrival at school TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. This test should happen no earlier than 6am. We do have tests available if you do not have access to tests. You may pick up a test at EEC and test your child before entering the building.

  • Children with COVID-19 symptoms MUST stay home. Please see the BrightWheel daily questionnaire for a definition of COVID-19 symptoms. They will be sent home if they present symptoms at school. The child must remain COVID-19 free with a PCR test and 48 hours at home to make sure symptoms do not get worse. If you child has symptoms related to another illness/virus/allergies, etc. that will require a doctor’s note to return prior to 48 hours and will still require a negative PCR test.

  • Children must stay home for 10 days if someone in the household tests positive for COVID-19.

  • Children must stay home if anyone in the household is testing for COVID-19 and can return when the household has negative tests results for COVID-19.

  • Staff and families will be required to mask while indoors through June 3rd.

  • We will be opening windows in all classrooms.

  • Our infant programs still remain COVID-19 free. We will continue to do our part to mitigate risk of exposure. However, those children do have siblings in other classrooms and we can only control what happens inside of our school.

Thank you for your continued support. Cheers to a fantastic weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday!


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Wilmington, DE 19803


(302) 478-8697


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