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Back to School Reminders

EEC Admin

Hello EEC Parents –

I will say I think we, the teachers and staff, have been able to exhale a little. We had to transition children, which is the most trying thing to do under normal circumstances, without using all the normal developmental tools we would use because of COVID restrictions.

All of us, teachers and admin team lost sleep over this about how the kiddos would do. We all agree it was more successful than we could have ever imagined. We still have some with intermittent tears, but generally even our drop offs are happy.

We did want to send some updates and reminders!

***If your child is under the weather in anyway – please keep them home for 24 hours to see if symptoms subside or if a fever develops. We are committed to keeping our teachers and staff healthy, as well as all of our children. We need you to make sure your child is healthy coming in each day.***


Patience is the name of the car line game. There could be a number of things that hold up car line. Realize that your child may need extra time at pick up and drop off one day, so please just be patient. We want to keep your children safe.

General car line procedures:

o Pull up as far as you can.

o Turn your car off.

o Stay near your car

o Do not walk to the playground

AM CAR LINE: 7:15am-8:30am

o After 8:30am

o Please park and bring your child to the front door.

o Only one child and adult should be in the vestibule at a time.

o If there is a line please wait outside on the walkway.

PM CAR LINE: 4pm-5:30pm

o During car line – 3 cars should fit at the pick up area

o Pull all the way up

o Place your carline name sign on the passenger dashboard

o If you need a replacement sign please let us know or make your own

o Stay in your car until your child arrives at the pick up area

o This is to prevent children running into the parking lot

o We have put up an orange netting for safety as well

o Pick Up Before 4pm

o No pick up is permitted between 3:30pm-4pm.

o If you come during that time you will have to wait until 4pm carline.

This is so classrooms are appropriately staffed.

o Picking up prior to 3:30pm

Walk to the vestibule and we will bring your child to the door


PIZZA! We have pizza on Monday and Wednesdays. Even if you have told us verbally, everyone needs to sign up on the online order form for pizza. If you need to update this you should be able to. Everyone will be charged monthly for pizza. All pizza funds go towards teacher extras: breakfasts, our snack station, water cooler, lunches, etc. You are signed up for a month. You may cancel by the 15th of every month.

BAGS: We will be providing all children (PK4 and younger) with washable canvas bags. They are color coded and need to be used for your Monday/Friday bag. On Fridays these will come home with their Friday folders, items to be washed, and any other miscellaneous items. On Mondays please return the bags with nap items and the Friday Folder. Please include any communications that need to be returned in that folder.



CLASSROOM SPECIFIC QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS: These issues should first be brought to the attention of the teachers. They are trying so hard to build relationships and that is difficult through email. But they are the most knowledgeable about the day to day workings in the classroom and have insight on child specific information. Once you have communicated with the classroom teachers if a problem persists please reach out to any office administrative staff member. should be used for daily communications. IF your child is going to be absent, late, leave early, need medication, etc. please CC this email address on that communication with the classroom. Teachers do not have continuous access to email. All forms and updates should also be sent to this email.

Please email with any financial concerns. Please email or with any other questions or concerns.

Teachers are available by phone daily between 1pm-2:30pm and 3pm-4pm. Please feel free to call. We urge you to call.


FINALLY: EEC IS FOLLOWING THESE REGULATIONS IF YOUR CHILD IS SENT HOME WITH A FEVER OR SYMPTOM OF COVID. These are state directed regulations. We know cold and flu season is going to be coming. We have ZERO information on any changes that may happen during this time. We encourage you to reach out to the OFFICE OF CHILDCARE LICENSING 302-892-5800 with questions or concerns.

If at any time a doctor confirms the cause of the staff member or child’s fever or other symptoms is not COVID-19 and provides written documentation of approval for them to return to work or care, then the provider shall follow the appropriate DELACARE Regulations and their facility’s policies in regard to return to work or child care.

Providers must also ensure that each incoming staff member and child (or the child’s parent may answer on their behalf) is screened with a basic questionnaire each time they enter the child care facility. The questionnaire shall include at least the questions below: o Do you have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, sore throat, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headache/congestion/runny nose with no known underlying cause (such as seasonal or chronic allergies), fatigue, or new loss of smell or taste?

IF the staff member or child is otherwise symptomatic and considered at risk for COVID-19 exposure, the staff member or child may not be admitted to the facility and should be advised to consult a health care professional for further guidance, and/or obtain a COVID-19 test. The staff member or student should not return until a health care provider has provided a return to work/childcare document.

If a COVID-19 test was taken and a positive result was returned, the staff member or student should isolate at home. At least 10 days must have passed since symptoms first appeared, including at least one day (24 hours) since recovery where staff or students have been fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in symptoms has occurred, e.g. cough, shortness of breath, before being permitted to return to work or child care.

A health care provider or the Division of Public Health can provide a letter stating that the individual has been released from monitoring to the patient.

If a COVID-19 test is performed with a negative result, the individual should consult their health care provider to determine if the situation warrants continuation of isolation. The student or staff member must provide the LCC with a return to work/childcare document by the health care provider to allow the student or staff member to return to child care in this situation. Note that a negative test is relevant for the point in time at which the test was taken. It does not mean the staff or student will not develop COVID-19 in the future.

Staff members should consult medical professionals if desired or needed and should adhere to screening decisions made by the primary care provider or DPH medical personnel as appropriate.

If at any time a doctor confirms the cause of the staff member or child’s fever or other symptoms is not COVID-19 and provides written documentation of approval for them to return to work or care, then the provider shall follow the appropriate DELACARE Regulations and their facility’s policies in regard to return to work or child care

Please feel free to contact your PCP or DPH at 1-888-295-5156


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Wilmington, DE 19803


(302) 478-8697


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