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Car Line Update

EEC Admin



Car Line is CANCELLED!!!  (for now)

So we are pretty excited by this.  We do still have stringent health and safety policies we need to follow and we are going to ask each family to follow.  Remember - most of these policies are fairly close to our Flu Season policies.  We know everyone will be excited to see each other - please no chit chat.  

By entering the building and dropping your child off you are acknowledging that everyone in your household is free of all COVID-19 symptoms and fever free. 

So here is the new “Pick-up/Drop-off Procedure”

Drop off is between 7:15am-9am*

Pick up is between 4pm-5:30pm**

Drop off:

  1. Park your car.

  2. A mask must be worn at all times while in the building. 

  3. Bring your child to the building.  We will allow a limited number of parents in the building at a time. 

  4. Child’s temperature and health screening will take place. 

  5. Drop your child to the classroom.  Parents may NOT enter the classroom. 

  6. Lunches are dropped off with your child. 

  7. Teachers will not be able to have conversations and social distancing must be maintained except when handing a child to a teacher. 

  8. Exit the building through the back door.  Traffic may only flow in one direction. 

  9. Social distancing must be maintained while in the hallway. 

  10. Please wait 3 feet away if someone is dropping off at your child’s classroom. 

Pick Up: 

  1. Park your car. 

  2. Put on your mask.

  3. Walk in the front door. 

  4. Check the playground exit door to see if your child’s classroom is inside or outside. 

  5. If your child is outside proceed to the playground to pick them up. 

  6. If your child is inside proceed to the classroom to pick them up. 

  7. Teachers will not be able to have conversations and social distancing must be maintained except when handing a child to a teacher. 

  8. Exit the building through the back door.  Traffic may only flow in one direction. 

  9. Social distancing must be maintained while in the hallway. 

  10. Please wait 3 feet away if someone is picking up at your child’s classroom.

PreK4, Kindergarten, and School Age:

  • Are to be dropped off at the front door, you may pull up to the front.  

  • They may walk in without a parent.  Please do not pull away until their temperature is taken.  

  • If you have children of multiple ages you may allow your older children to walk to their rooms independently.  

  • We know many of you are anxious to see the space your child is in so we will permit those parents to enter the building this week only.  The older kids are so thrilled with the independence they have and we don’t want to take that from them.  

  • There is sanitizer at the entrance and exit. 

  • Masks must be worn at all times. 

  • Parents and teachers must make interactions brief. 

  • Infant parents should still complete Daily Sheets prior to sending your child to school. 

  • Teachers will sign children in and out. 

  • Parents should avoid contact with each other as well.  

*You may still pick up and drop off before 4pm and after 9am.  We just need to limit the number of people in the hallways.  During those times classes and teachers are more likely to be walking through the building.  Please be patient as we work out the kinks. 


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730 Halstead Road
Wilmington, DE 19803


(302) 478-8697


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