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EEC Admin

COVID-19 Updates

Good afternoon:

As you may have noticed, as of Tuesday, the Department of Public Health and Office of Child Care Licensing have revised their rules for operating child care. With these updates came the lifting of the mask mandate. Throughout the pandemic we have erred on the side of caution. We received notice late Monday evening. We are still waiting for some clarifications from OCCL and DPH but I just wanted to send something out in the mean times.

Masks are no longer required. We are continuing to follow and monitor the health requirements. Even prior to the pandemic, we have health restrictions and will continue to be steadfast in monitoring staff and children's daily health.

  • Children and staff may not come to school with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher. If a child has a temperature of 99.5 degrees and has a secondary symptom (sniffles, cough, lethargic, sore throat, etc). They will be asked to see a doctor or stay home until the secondary symptoms and/or their temperature returns to under 99.5 degrees. If there is any indication of need to return to wearing masks, we will do so. We know that any and all changes may be temporary.

  • Hallways still remain ONE WAY. This has been incredibly helpful for general safety of children and accounting for who is or is not in the building. Parents are still restricted at entering the classrooms. This has led to more consistent supervision of children in the mornings and also helped children's transitions.

We thank you for your support as we navigate our way through the pandemic.

We will continue to closely monitor any and all changes.


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